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viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

BTR en Good Morning America


To others I may be just an obsessed fangirl, but I am just one proud and dedicated #Rusher! <3 What Big Time Rush did for this little girl and her family after her 8 year old twin brother wrote a letter to “Santa” asking for kids to stop bullying her was the most caring and selfless thing one could do, let alone a band! The guys of Big Time Rush heard Amber’s story and immediately made Ryan’s dream come true for his sister <3 They flew out the family for an appearance on “Good Morning America” and surprised her with a private performance AND invited them to be their special guests at this weekend’s “Worldwide Day of Play” event! You can call them whatever you want, or have your opinion on them but because of this I am an even bigger fan of not only Big Time Rush as a band but as four individuals who have the caringest hearts possible! Thank you Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan! <3 From one very #ProudRusher <3

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